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6810 Finian Drive
Wimington, NC 28409

For over 25 years, AnimEigo has specialized in releasing the finest in subtitled Japanese Anime and Live-Action films.

AnimEigo Crowdfunding Projects

AnimEigo Crowdfunding Campaigns

Campaign completed: Sep 2024. Reached goal in 6 hours. $119,570 raised. Shipping Summer 2025. Selected as a "Project We Love"

Campaign completed: Jan 2024. Reached goal in 2 hours. $404,396 raised. Shipping Spring 2025. Selected as a "Project We Love"

Campaign completed: May 2021. Reached goal in 42 minutes. $184,906 raised. Shipped Summer 2022. Selected as a "Project We Love" NOW OUT OF PRINT (Mass-market edition now available)

Campaign completed: September 2019. Reached goal in one day. $154,031 raised from US-only. Shipped: Spring 2021. Selected as a "Project We Love" NOW OUT OF PRINT (Mass-market edition now available)

Campaign completed: April 2018. Reached goal in 260 minutes. $350,879 raised. Shipped: Fall 2019. Selected as a "Project We Love" NOW OUT OF PRINT

Campaign completed: April 2016. Reached goal in 50 minutes. $135,589 raised. Shipped: July 2017. Selected as a "Project We Love" NOW OUT OF PRINT (Mass-market edition now available)

Campaign completed: June 2015. Reached goal in 13.5 hours. $102,869 raised. Shipped: June 2016. NOW OUT OF PRINT (Mass-market edition now available)

Campaign completed: November 2013. Reached goal in 4 days. $154,014 raised. Shipped: December 2014. NOW OUT OF PRINT (Mass-market edition now available)