Gunsmith Cats Goodies

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6810 Finian Drive
Wimington, NC 28409
For over 25 years, AnimEigo has specialized in releasing the finest in subtitled Japanese Anime and Live-Action films.
Pair of Patches
These are our production test samples. The final version will be identical except that the text will be white. They are about 4” in diameter.
Coin / Keychain
Current production design of the coin. Keychain is identical, it just has the chain and ring added.
Grenade Pin
Current design of the grenade pin. It is made in the same way as the coin.
Vinyl stickers with a transparent background.
Cellphone Straps
These are production test samples of the straps. We’re making a few design tweaks and increasing their size (Rally will be about 70mm)
Strap Tweaks
These are the tweaks we are planning for the Rally strap.
May Tweaks
And this is what we’re tweaking on May.
Large Artbook
The large artbook contains all of the color art and the key line art that is in the regular artbook, but it’s 8.5x11” so the presentation of the color artwork is more substantial.
Artbook size comparison
The large artbook is 8.5x11”. The regular artbook is the same size as an amaray case. These are examples from a previous project that had two artbook variants; Gunsmith Cats will have a different set of covers!