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For over 25 years, AnimEigo has specialized in releasing the finest in subtitled Japanese Anime and Live-Action films.


Bubblegum Crash

Bubblegum Crash Liner Notes

Bubblegum Crash 1: Illegal Army

It is the year 2034 A.D. One evening, Glory Bank receives some unwelcome after-hours customers: a gang of robbers decked out in advanced powered suits. With Leon and Daley in charge, AD Police attempts to apprehend the crooks, but air support arrives too late to prevent them escaping in their own helicopter. Leon and Daley ask their new Chief to petition the Diet for permission to use AD Police's own mobile suits, permission they now need due to AD Police's history of accidentally causing mayhem and destruction.

After a somewhat less than pleasant encounter with the latest in cheap labor at a coffee shop, Leon and Daley discuss what has become of the Knight Sabers, from whom nothing has lately been heard. That evening, Priss is making a demo tape of one of her songs for a group of record company executives. Afterwards, her manager tells her that she's going to get her big break. Linna is now working for a stock brokerage, where she has developed a taste for insider trading. Over dinner that night, Nene expresses her disgust at Priss and Linna's self-indulgent behavior. The sudden disappearance of Sylia is of great concern to her, but Priss and Linna don't seem to care. Nene becomes convinced that the Knight Sabers are all but dead and buried, and decides to make do with AD Police.

Meanwhile, the powered suits commit a second robbery, clearly taking something else besides gold. Leon tries to blow off some steam at the firing range, but loses his cool and nearly shoots Nene when she comes to tell him that she has successfully tracked down some data on the powered suits. Originally developed by the EC three years before, further development was halted when initial tests revealed design flaws. Modified versions of the suits then turned up in the hands of the Illegal Army, a mercenary outfit with a penchant for turning up in the world's hot spots. There the trail ends, because the Illegal Army, and their leader, Col. Lando, were supposedly wiped out in a failed operation the year before.

Elsewhere, a mysterious voice tells Col. Lando that he has done well in securing the first two components of a new artificial-intelligence unit, but that they are useless without the remaining two. Lando says he is working on the others. The voice tells him the AI is essential to their project.

Like Leon, Nene tries to burn off her frustrations. And, like Leon, she fails miserably. Suddenly, Sylia appears on the screen of the video game console, acting like all's right with the world. She asks Nene to bring Priss and Linna to her suite at the Imperial Hotel, which is where she's staying while her building undergoes renovation. When they arrive, Sylia entreats them to eat, but, convinced that this is the Knight Sabers' last supper, they insist that Sylia tell them what she wants to talk about. Sylia explains that, far from breaking up, the new hardsuits are ready and it's time to go back to work. Thus placated, they waste no time in devouring the feast Sylia has laid out.

Afterwards, in a leisurely sauna session, Sylia explains their current contract. Zone Corporation, makers of Boomer brains, have hired them to safeguard the remaining two components of their newly-devloped, top secret AI from theft by the Illegal Army, who have been robbing the banks where the components were concealed. Sylia has planted false information concerning the whereabouts of one of the components, and is waiting for Lando to take the bait. While they wait, Priss and Linna's careers suffer serious setbacks, spurring them both to get back into their suits, with Linna having a personal grudge to settle.

Will Sylia's new hardsuit designs prove equal to the task of stopping the armored mercenaries? And who is the "Voice," the Illegals' mysterious "comrade-in-arms," and what is his ultimate objective?

Bubblegum Crash 2: Geo Climbers

In the first episode of Bubblegum Crash, the Knight Sabers defeated the Illegal Army and thwarted the Mystery Man's plans to steal a new AI from the Zone Corporation. At Zone's research center, Dr. Haynes, continuing the Boomer research of Sylia's father, Dr. Stingray, tries to complete a second-generation Boomer utilizing the new AI. The completed work, named "Adama," is the first step toward the late Dr. Stingray's dream of constructing Boomers that will be close neighbors to mankind. But Dr. Stingray's other disciple, Dr. Yuri, covetous of Haynes' success, murders him and steals Adama.

Attending funeral services the next day for Dr. Haynes, Sylia flashes back to her own father's funeral, and remembers the promise Haynes made to her.

At the same time, Priss, Linna and Nene are in Geo City, the newly-completed underground city, playing a round of golf on its underground course. Later, at the Zone testing grounds beneath Geo City, Yuri demon- strates the EM-302, a high-mobility combat Boomer he developed by perverting what he learned from Dr. Stingray. It soon becomes clear that he is working in cahoots with the Mystery Man, who still lusts after the secrets of the new AI.

Sylia learns the true identity of the thief who stole Adama, and dispatches Priss, Linna and Nene to recover him, but Priss, with her anti-Boomer prejudice, resists. But it is Priss who, by sheer chance, meets up with an escaping Adama! It is not love at first sight!

Yuri's Hit-Boomers, the Geo Climbers, pursue Adama and Priss as they head to Geo City. Only there can Adama output his security camera recording and prove that Yuri is a murderer. But even if they do manage to reach their objective, Yuri has one last trick up his sleeve - and so does the elusive Mystery Man!

Bubblegum Crash 3: Melt Down

"They say that the devil is a charming man. And just like you, I bet he can dance"

-- Kate Bush, "Heads We're Dancing"

"Bubblegum Crash!" the story of the newly-armored Knight Sabers, reaches its climax in the third installment, "Melt Down." This three-part story, which could also be described as "Sylia vs. Largo, going in circles round the second-generation Boomer," depicts a battle fought so as to have a decisive conclusion to the various incidents involving the acme of human technology, the "Boomers," and to unravel the many enigmas which have been exposed, but left unanswered, since the murder of Sylia's father, in Part 1 of "Bubblegum Crisis."

It all culminates in an inevitable showdown between Sylia Stingray, who, with her father's legacy, created the Knight Sabers, and Largo (Mason), the man who, while giving himself body and soul to the Genom Superconglomerate, went to any lengths to pursue his own ambitions. After defeat and death at the hands of the Knight Sabers, Largo substituted half his body for machinery, transforming himself into a Boomer, and completed his journey into megalomania. These two, who can be seen perhaps as opposite extremes, may in fact be two sides of the same coin, symbolizing the light and the darkness that the fruits of Boomer technology hold. And so Sylia musters the strength of her fellow Knight Sabers, with the fate of MegaTokyo, nay, perhaps that of Mankind, hanging in the balance. If the Knight Sabers are able to bear this burden, their story may well proceed to a new stage.

-- Aramaki Shinji, Series Supervisor

"What will be the fate of the Knight Sabers? The story heads at last for its conclusion! (Big Lie)"

-- Koizumi Satoshi, Co-Producer

Japanese Production Staff

All Episodes

Executive Producer, Planning & Original Story: Suzuki Toshimichi
Character Designs: Sonoda Kenichi
Director of Photography: Konishi Kazuhiro
Supervisors: Ishiguro Noboru & Aramaki Shinji

Opening Key Animation: Ebisu Studios: Yoshida Hidetoshi, Matsubara Hidenori & Suganuma Eiji

Opening Computer Graphics Production: Buildup:
Tsuchiya Akihiro, Okuzawa Taiji & Ikeuchi Tooru

Bubblegum Crash 1: Illegal Army

Screenplay & Storyboards: Ishiodori Hiroshi
Production Designs: Aramaki Shinji, Akutsu Junichi,
Tony Takezaki & Yumeno Ley
Animation Directors: Noda Yasuyuki & Kiyozumi Norifumi
Art Director: Ogata Yumiko
Audio Director: Matsuoka Hiroki
Music: Nakazawa Takehito

Directed by Ishiodori Hiroshi

Bubblegum Crash 2: Geo Climbers

Screenplay: Arii Emu
Storyboards: Fukushima Hiroyuki
Production Designs: Aramaki Shinji, Akutsu Junichi,
ony Takezaki, Yamane Kimitoshi & Yumeno Ley
Animation Director: Sugimitsu Noboru
Art Director: Ogata Yumiko
Audio Director: Iwanami Yoshikazu
Music: Oota Michihiko

Directed by Fukushima Hiroyuki

Bubblegum Crash 3: Melt Down

Screenplay: Arii Emu
Storyboards: Ishiodori Hiroshi
Original Largo Design : Gooda Hiroaki
Production Designs: Akutsu Junichi, Tony Takezaki, Yamane Kimitoshi & Aramaki Shinji
Animation Director: Noda Yasuyuki
Art Director: Tomoda Masaharu
Mechanical Animation Director: Ogata Yumiko
Audio Director: Matsuoka Hiroki
Music: Nakazawa Takehito

Directed by Ishiodori Hiroshi

US Production Staff (Subtitling)

Executive Producer: Robert J Woodhead
Producers: Janice Hindle & Peter R. Haswell
Subtitle Director: Michael House
Production Coordinator: Ueki Natsumi
Production Manager: George Arriola
Dialogue Editor: Roe R. Adams III, KTJ
Translators: Michael House & Neil Nadelman (Illegal),
Shin Kurokawa & Richard Uyeyama (Geo Climbers) &
Michael House & Shin Kurokawa (Melt Down)

US Production Staff (Dubbing)

Executive Producers: Janice Hindle & Peter R. Haswell
Producer: Robert J. Woodhead
Associate Producer: Ueki Natsumi
Dialogue Editor: Roe R. Adams, III, KTJ

English Language Version recorded at
Southwynde Studios, Wilmington, NC

Voice Director: J. Randolph
Dubbing, Production & Audio Engineering: Randy Drew
SFX & Sound Design: Chuck Agresta
Mixing: Randy Drew & Chuck Agresta
Dialogue Editing: Jack Bowden & Michael Sinterniklaas
Studio Manager: Maryann Webb
Production Coordinator: Susan Grillo
Engineering Assistant: Eddie Harrell

English Song Reinterpretation:
"The Replicants"

"Journey" Vocals: Cyndi Wheeler
"Catch Me" Vocals: Annabelle Clifton
"Cool Eyes" Vocals: Cyndi Wheeler
Musical Director: Chuck Agresta
Vocal Arrangements: Jack Bowden
Lyrics: Randy Drew, Jack Bowden & Shin Kurokawa
Sequencing, Programming & Keyboards: Ernesto Ferreri
Guitars, Bass & Keyboards: Chuck Agresta

(English reinterpreted lyrics are
based on the translated Japanese lyrics,
but are not as close a translation as
the ones provided below)

Japanese Voice Actors

Bubblegum Crash 1: Illegal Army

Sylia: Sakakibara Yoshiko
Priss: Tachikawa Ryooko
Linna: Tomizawa Michie
Nene: Hiramatsu Akiko
Leon: Furukawa Toshio
Daley: Horiuchi Kenyuu
Mystery Man: Sogabe Kazuyuki
Colonel Lando: Arakawa Taroo
Chief: Murayama Akira
Manager: Suzuki Kiyonobu
Bogarde: Yanada Kiyoyuki
Additional Voices: Morikawa Tomoyuki,
Tsukui Norio & Kikuchi Takako

Bubblegum Crash 2: Geo Climbers

Sylia: Sakakibara Yoshiko
Priss: Tachikawa Ryooko
Linna: Tomizawa Michie
Nene: Hiramatsu Akiko
Leon: Furukawa Toshio
Daley: Horiuchi Kenyuu
Mystery Man: Sogabe Kazuyuki
Adama: Takayama Minami
Doctor Yuri: Umezu Hideyuki
Doctor Haynes: Nishimura Tomomichi
Detective: Takagi Wataru
Soldier: Ishimori Tatsuyuki
Street Kid: Miyuki Sanae

Bubblegum Crash 3: Melt Down

Sylia: Sakakibara Yoshiko
Priss: Tachikawa Ryooko
Linna: Tomizawa Michie
Nene: Hiramatsu Akiko
Leon: Furukawa Toshio
Daley: Horiuchi Kenyuu
Largo: Sogabe Kazuyuki
Mackie Stingray: Sasaki Nozomu
Foreman: Sekine Nobuaki
Boomer: Tsukui Norio
AD Police Officer: Morikawa Tomoyuki
D.J. Tommy: Suzuki Kiyonobu
Waitress Boomer: Kikuchi Takako
Youth: Takagi Wataru
Plant Chief: Murakoshi Ichiroo

English Voice Actors

Bubblegum Crash 1: Illegal Army

Sylia: Jemila Ericson
Priss: Sinda Nichols
Linna: Elizabeth Becka
Nene: Susan Grillo
Leon: Brad Moranz
Daley: Marshall Carroll
Mystery Man: Pierre Brulator
Colonel Lando: Phil Locke
Chief: Matt Sullivan
Manager: Marc Garber
Bogarde: Scott Simpson
Additional Voices: Michael Sinterniklaas,
Chuck Kinlaw, Zach Hanner, Steve Vernon,
Sean Clay, Jack Bowden,
Sophie Tolar & Amanda Tancredi

Bubblegum Crash 2: Geo Climbers

Sylia: Jemila Ericson
Priss: Sinda Nichols
Linna: Elizabeth Becka
Nene: Susan Grillo
Leon: Brad Moranz
Daley: Marshall Carroll
Mystery Man: Pierre Brulator
Adama: Loren Mash
Doctor Yuri: Gray Sibley
Doctor Haynes: Sam Burke
Detective: Grenaldo Frazier
Soldier: Basile
Street Kid: Noah Shane
Announcer: Patt Noday
Additional Voices: Lou Criscuolo,
Michael Sinterniklaas, Scott Simpson
Sophie Tolar, Amanda Tancredi &
Matthew Alexander

Bubblegum Crash 3: Melt Down

Sylia: Jemila Ericson
Priss: Sinda Nichols
Linna: Elizabeth Becka
Nene: Susan Grillo
Leon: Brad Moranz
Daley: Marshall Carroll
Largo: Pierre Brulator
Mackie Stingray: Frank Trimble
Foreman: Basile
Boomer: Zaharoula Katsikis
AD Police Officer: Noah Shane
D.J. Tommy: Stan Norman
Waitress Boomer: Jenny Moranz
Youth: Nicholas Michaels
Plant Chief: Chuck Kinlaw
Additional Voices: Michael Sinterniklaas,
Scott Simpson, Jack Bowden, Grenaldo Frazier,
Matthew Alexander, Sophie Tolar & Amanda Tancredi

Hateshinai Tabi -- Hajimari no Toki
(Unending Journey -- Time of Beginning)

Lyrics by Tachikawa Ryooko
Music by Nakazawa Takehito
Arranged by Oota Michihiko
Performed by Tachikawa Ryooko

Hito wa mina mochikirenai hodo no
ai to yume ryoote ni kakaete
maioriru hoshi ni ima
mirai o takushinagara
ashita e to sono yume o egaku.

Kono ude ni fureru mono subete ga
maboroshi ni kawaru sono mae ni
fumishimeta so ashi o
tomezu ni aruita nara
sono yume ni chikazuite yukeru.

Ima hateshinai yume ga hajimaru
kokoro no oku nemutteiru
jibun jishin sagasu toki.
Ima hateshinai tabi ga hajimaru.
Harukana toki o mitsumete.

Hito wa mina mochikirenai hodo no
sabishisa o kokoro kaksuhite
kinoo yori ashta e to
kaze ga nagareru yoo ni
sono mune no omou mama hashiru.

Ima hatenai ashita ga hajimaru.
Yume wa itsumo kokoro no naka
kanadeteyuku harmony.
Ima hatenai tabi ga hajimaru.
Harukana sora o mitsumete.

Kurikaeshi Moo Ichido

People all hold more love and dreams
than they can hold with both hands
and paint those dreams for tomorrow
while entrusting the future
to a new-falling star.

If you go step by step
on your own two legs, without stopping
before everything your arms touch
transforms into phantasms
you can approach those dreams.

Now! begins the unending dream
when you search for yourself, sleeping
in the depths of your heart.
Now! begins the unending journey.
Fix your sights on a faraway time.

People all conceal more loneliness
in their hearts than they can hold
with both hands
and run as their hearts desire
from yesterday to tomorrow
like the way the wind drifts along.

Now! begins the unending tomorrow.
Dreams are an ever-playing harmony
within your heart.
Now! begins the unending journey.
Fix your sights on a faraway sky.

Repeat Last Stanza

Catch Me

Lyrics by Tachikawa Ryooko
Music by Nakazawa Takehito
Arranged by Oota Michihiko
Performed by Tachikawa Ryooko

Mado no akari
keseba chikazuku.
Machi no akari to takusan no
yume doko ka ni sagashitsuzukete
hito wa doke e yuku no daroo.

Toki wa naze? Kono mama
jikan o tometekurenai.
Katanarabe waratta
ano hi sae moo tooi.

Fukai yoru ni nagasareteyuku.
Tozashita kokoro te no hira de
itsudemo atatameteite.

Umareta toki itsumo dare ka no
ookina ai ni mamorarete
hito wa itsuka otona ni natte
sabishisa ya kanashimi o shiru.

Toki wa naze? tokimeku
omoi o tomete wa kurenai.
Katafureru yubi ni
yasashisa fureru.

Nemuri ni tsukenu nagai kono yoru.
Ookina ude no naka oyogu
kono mama yume to issho ni...

Saigo no higyoo kurikaeshi

Turn out the light in the window,
and you'll get closer.
Where might a person go
in search of streetlights...
and lots of dreams?

Why won't time stop itself for me
just the way it is now?
The days when we laughed side by side
are all so far away.

"Catch me. Oh, Catch me."
I'm drifting away in the dead of night.
"Catch me"
Warm my closed heart
in the palm of your hand, always.

When we're born, we're always
protected by someone's great love
and when people grow up
they know loneliness and sadness.

Why won't time stop
these fluttering feelings?
In the fingers that touch my shoulder
I touch gentleness.

"Catch me. Oh, Catch me"
on long nights when I can't get to sleep.
"Catch me"
I will swim in your large embrace
just as I am now, with my dreams...

Repeat last two stanzas

Cool Eyes

Lyrics by Tachikawa Ryooko
Music by Nakazawa Takehito
Arranged by Oota Michihiko
Performed by Tachikawa Ryooko

"Bell" ga nareba owaru "Showtime."
Yume ga tsuzukimiteta Tonight.
Kibunshidai no kyoo ga owari
kimamana yume o ashita ni sagasu.

Awatadashiku hito wa "Dreaming"
sameru koto nai yume o mite
dare no koe sae todokanai kedo
fushigi kikoeru anata no koe ga.

Mitsumeru "Cool Eyes" sono mama
hontoo no kokoro kakushite wa
mune no mirror kumotteyuku.
Hitomi ni "Stardust" utsushite
anata wa jiyuu dakishimete
shikkari jibun no yume ima uketomeru.

Gokaidarake machi no "Showtime."
Tsunawatari nano kokoro "Tonight."
Kurayami no naka hitomi korashi
nani mo mienai ashita o sagasu.

Zawameteiru machi wa "Dancing"
himitsumeita kokoro "Tonight."
Futari de kiita "melody" kaze ni
nosete anata no mawari o tsutsumu.

Kanjiru "Cool Eyes" hontoo wa
kooritokasuyoona hitomi o
motteru koto shitteiru.
Hitomi ni "Stardust" utsushite
anata wa jiyuu dakishimete
shikkari jibun no kokoro o uketomeru.

Kurikaeshi Moo Ichido

When the bell rings, showtime's over.
Tonight, I've seen my dream's continuation.
Today ends, having gone the way I wanted
and tomorrow, I seek an easygoing dream.

People are dreaming hurriedly
dreaming without awakening
and though no voice gets through
strangely, I can hear your voice.

Cool eyes, staring just that way
cloud the mirror of the heart
concealing one's true self.
With stardust reflected in your eyes
you embrace freedom
and firmly catch your own dream, now.

Showtime, in a town full of misunderstandings.
Tonight, the heart walks a tightrope.
Straining my eyes in the pitch darkness
unable to see anything, I seek tomorrow.

The bustling town is dancing
with a seemingly secret heart, tonight.
The melody you and I heard is carried
on the wind, and surrounds you.

Sensitive cool eyes really know the things
that possess eyes
which seem to melt ice.
With stardust reflected in your eyes
you embrace freedom
and firmly catch your own heart.

Repeat Last Stanza

Saigo Ni... (At the Last...)

Lyrics by Hayase Nanami
Music by Nakazawa Takehito
Arranged by Oota Michihiko
Performed by Tachikawa Ryooko

Kimi no chiisana koe ga
kono mimi ni yomigaeru Tonight.
Tooi yoru ni oitekita
densetsu sae mo ima wa
Kaze ni yurare nemuru Tonight.

Kokoro shizuka ni mimi o sumashi
Asu no ashioto mune ni hibiku.

Saigo ni kimi ga iikaketeta
Sayonara no ato ni tsuzuku kotoba,
Yume akiramenaideite to
Todoita hagaki nijindeita ne.

Hanabira no yoo na ame
oritsuzukikemutteru Tonight.
Hito wa hitori dakara
ima hito wa aishishinjiai
Wakare o shiru yoru no Moonlight.

Keshiki wa itsuka iro o kaete
Kokoro no mado o sotto tataku.

Saigo ni kimi ga utatteta
Nando mo nando mo utatteta,
Futari ga suki na ano uta to,
Zutto issho ni aruite yuku yo.

Kurikaeshi Moo Ichido

Your small voice comes back
to life in my ears tonight.
Now, even the legends you left
behind in a distant night
will sleep tonight, rocked by the wind.

With tranquil heart, I strain to hear...
...and tomorrow's footfalls echo in my breast.

The words you tried to speak at the last,
words that would have followed our good-bye,
"Don't give up on your dreams"
were smeared on the postcard you sent me.

Like flower petals, the rain keeps falling,
making things hazy tonight.
Now, because people are alone, they
love and trust one another, and come to
know farewells by moonlight at night.

Someday the scenery will change color,
and knock softly on the window of the heart.

The song you were singing at the last,
which you were singing over and over again,
the song we both liked,
is one I will carry with me always.

Repeat last Stanza

Fly Away

Lyrics by Tachikawa Ryooko
Music by Ashizawa Kazunori
Arranged by Oota Michihiko
Performed by Tachikawa Ryooko

Hashiru kaze ni
aorarete nagareteku headlight.
Nagisa ni yoseyuku nami no yoo na no wa
muzoosa ni baramakareta
uso no zawameki.

Chiheisen nanka mienai
biru ni kesarete.
Kurayami mo taiyoo mo nai machi ni
Fly away.

Kinoo no news wa itsumo
ashita no news ni owarete
sarasareta tsumi sae mo toki ga
tsurete yuku.
Yozora o honoo ni nari

Tooku sora no kanata kara
machi o miorosu.
Ryoote de kakushitsukuseru sa
machi wa Fly away.
Chiheisen nanka mienai
biru ni kesarete.
Kurayami mo taiyoo mo nai machi ni
Fly away.

Kurikaeshi Moo Ichido

Drifting headlights,
whipped by the racing wind.
A pack of lies, artlessly scattered,
like waves stealing
onto the shore.

There's no horizon to be seen,
it's obscured by buildings.
Fly away to a city
with neither darkness nor sun.

Yesterday's news is always being
chased by tomorrow's news
and time takes away even
crimes exposed.
The night sky becomes flame
and I want to rise into it.

I look down on the city
from far off in the sky.
The town I can do my best to conceal
with both hands will fly away.
There's no horizon to be seen,
it's obscured by buildings.
Fly away to a city
with neither darkness nor sun.

Repeat Last Stanza

Over The Pressure - Toki o Koete
(Over The Pressure - Overcoming Time)

Lyrics by Watanabe Natsumi
Music & Arrangement by Howard Killy
Performed by Sakakibara Yoshiko, Tachikawa Ryooko,
Tomizawa Michie and Hiramatsu Akiko

"Break out my dreams forever tonight.
Break out my lonely pressure."
"I wonder why you leave me alone,
My baby, baby, with you."

Hikui kumo o miteta
Kaze no naka de nandomo
kimi o yonda.

Ikiisogu mainichi
Soredemo yasashisa dake

Yume ni makesoo de modokashii toki
Kimi no egao omoidasu yo
"My baby baby."

Atarashii ashita ni tsuyokunaritai
Tomadoi mo namida mo
sora ni nagete.

Tatoe kizutsuite mo yume o miru no sa.
Kimi ga kureru yuuki de
toki o koeteyuku.

Biru no kabe ni motare
Sora o miage ookiku iki o sutta.

Kumo o miokuru yoo ni
Massuguna taiyoo ga
machi o terasu.

Dare mo nakusenai jibun o ikite
Yagate soo sa kagayaku kara
"My baby baby."

Kanashimi no mukoo e arukidasu no sa.
Kitto wakachiaeru kaze ni fukare.

Hitomi sorasanaide yume o shinjite
Kimi to onaji kisetsu o
mune ni dakishimete.

Atarashii ashita ni tsuyokunaritai
Tomadoi mo namida mo
sora ni nagete.

Tatoe kizutsuite mo yume o miru no sa.
Kimi ga kureru yuuki de
toki o koeteyuku.

"Break out my dreams forever tonight.
Break out my lonely pressure."
"I wonder why you leave me alone,
My baby, baby, with you."

As I was watching the low clouds,
in the midst of the wind, I
called you over and over again.

Though I race through my
days, gentleness is all
I seek.

When I'm feeling frustrated, and
beaten by my dreams, I remember
your smiling face, my baby, baby.

I want to be strong for a new
tomorrow, throwing confusion
and tears to the sky.

I will dream, even though I may
get hurt. I will overcome time
with the bravery you give me.

Leaning against the wall of a
building, I looked up at the
sky and took a deep breath.

As though seeing the clouds on
their way, the straight-arrow
sun lights up the town.

You can't go wrong, living for
yourself, because soon you
will shine, my baby, baby.

We will walk on beyond sadness.
We will surely be able to
share, blown by the wind.

Don't hide your eyes, believe in
dreams, and I will hold the same
season in my heart as you in yours.

I want to be strong for a new
tomorrow, throwing confusion
and tears to the sky.

I will dream, even though I may
get hurt. I will overcome time
with the bravery you give me.