You're Under Arrest
You're Under Arrest Liner Notes
Episode 1: "And So They Met"
The Type 2 Flying Boat: During WWII, all Western influences were officially purged in Japan, including the Gregorian calendar. In its place, the Old (Imperial) Japanese calendar was instituted. According to this calendar, the year 0 corresponds to the year 660 BC, and it is traditionally held that on Feb. 11 of that year, the nation of Japan was founded. This day is still celebrated as Founding Day, a national holiday in Japan.
As a result, the year AD 1940 equals 2600 in the Old calendar, and this is the year which was used as the baseline for naming aircraft made during the War. Thus, planes built in 1940 were designated Zero, because they were built in an Imperial year ending in 0. Similarly, planes built in 1939 were designated as type 99, because AD 1939 was Imperial year 2599, 1941 planes were type 1, and 1942 planes were type 2, which was the year that this particular flying boat was built.
The Honda Beat, which is the baseline version of Miyuki's custom mini patrol car, is a light compact two-seater made only in Japan. It is not sold in the US due to a general US preference for larger cars and engines, as well high US collision safety standards which are very difficult for such a small car to meet. Normally the engine is a 660cc, but Miyuki has bored it out to 700cc and added twin cams, a turbo-charger, and Nitrous Oxide boost. Informed sources suggest that such a car could theoretically be built given current technology, but would be impractical at best in reality.
Episode 2: "Tokyo Typhoon Rally"
The Kawasaki KLE-500 is designated as a dual-purpose motorcycle, meaning that it is equally suited to offroad as well as onroad use. This makes it suitable for foul weather driving, as demonstrated in the video. Actually, the -500 is made for sale only outside of Japan; the equivalent domestic model is the KLE-400. However, guys like Nakajima "White Hawk of Bokutoo" Ken would never settle for the ordinary domestic model when they can go to extraordinary lengths to obtain the almost identical identical export model!
Episode 3, "Love's Highway Stars"
The name of the Mini-Patrol Car is "Today," and in the original manga series, it has a personalized license plate. Sharp-eyed viewers of the videos will notice that all of the license plates in the video are blank.
An "Omiai" (literally "see and meet") is a traditional method of Japanese matchmaking. The process begins with exchanges of photographs and biographies, and the first meeting is a very formal affair (often at a traditional restaurant) with parents and go-betweens in attendance. Many young Japanese people try Omiai when more casual methods come up short; many more are dragged into them by their parents.
Unlike the United States, many Japanese High-Schools are segregated by sex. Most Japanese schools have special school uniforms, particularly the private schools. In Junior-High, the girls uniform is the famous "Sailor Suit."
Stopping by a shrine, making wishes (and a donation), and buying "Omamori," (literally "protection") are all part of many Japanese road-trips. Omamori are conveniently available for many requirements, such as traffic safety, fertility, doing well on exams, and getting promotions. Natsumi has an ulterior motive in taking Ken to this particular shrine because it apparently specializes in matchmaking.
The casual "yukata" that everyone at the reunion are wearing are typically provided by the Hotel. On a typical reunion like this, you arrive, bathe (often in hot-springs), put on the clothes provided, eat, drink, make merry, sleep it off, soak again, and finally have breakfast.
Ken is from Suzuka prefecture, famous for it's Formula-1 racetrack. It's in the Kinki area near Osaka, far from Tokyo, so Ken couldn't be expected to know about the two Katsuura's. Of course, Natsumi ought to have known better, but she deftly makes Ken think it's his fault!
Natsumi and Ken are drinking "Cup-Sake," conveniently available from vending machines everywhere in Japan. Just about everything in Japan can be obtained from a vending machine.
Look carefully at the crowd of officers urging Ken on and you'll notice that one of them (he talks) bears a striking resemblence to Paul McCartney.
Based on the theatre marquee, it is likely that the movie Miyuki and Ken went to see was "Forrest Gump." This would have set them back around $35 for two tickets (and you thought movies were expensive in the USA!). Add this to a dinner bill of about $50, plus incidentals, and the cost of the date was approximately $100. The other movies are "Leon" ("The Professional" in the USA), "Sampson and Delilah," "My Love Diana" (we're not sure what the original English title is), "Irresponsible Captain Tylor" (a Japanese TV show), a double-feature of "Oh My Goddess" and "You're Under Arrest," and a Japanese movie whose title is unreadable.
Episode 4, "On The Road Again"
"Kachi-Kachi-Yama" ("Rocky Mountain") is the story of a mischevious Tanuki (a sort of raccoon) who is punished for his pranks by a Rabbit.
The Junior Thespians belong to the "Sakura-gumi" or "Cherry-group" at the preschool; each class is named for a different flower. According to the leaflet, the Tulip-group is putting on "Yamata no Orochi" (The Orochi of Yamata, a monster-hunting story), and the Rose-group is putting on "Nametoko-yama no Kuma" (The Bear of Nametoko Mountain).
Natsumi may be losing her appetite, but she still managed to polish off 3 or 4 "sets" of food at lunch! It's no wonder that the cafeteria-lady misses her later in the episode.
The truck that catches fire has been collecting waste-paper; it is full of bundles of magazines and manga.
Finally, after 4 episodes, we actually see a license plate, on the runaway tanker. The format of Japanese license plates is standardized; at the top is the district where the plate was issued and a number based on the size of the vehicle, in this case "Shinagawa-64." Then comes a single hiragana symbol (in this case, "A") and a four digit number. Personalized license plates are not available in Japan.
Japanese Production Staff
Planning: Miyahara Teruo, Mogi Takashi, Yamamoto Katsuhisa (3) & Kimura Tsunesuke (4)
Character Designs & Chief Animation Director: Nakajima Atsuko
Mechanical Designs: Murata Toshiharu
Art: Katoo Hiroshi
Color Coordinator: Ishii Kenichi
Director of Photography: Yoshida Mitsunobu
Editor: Morita Seiji
Music: Ootani Kou
Sound Composer: Asari Naoko (3), Tsuruoka Yoota (4)
Producers: Mizuo Yoshimasa, Sei Naoki, Watanabe Shigeru & Hasegawa Hiroshi (STUDIO DEEN)
Directed by Furuhashi Kazuhiro
Supervisor: Fujishima Kousuke
Screenplay: Yokote Michiko
Animation Directors: Matsutake Tokuyuki (3), Yamada Makoto (4)
Storyboards & Technical Direction: Furuhashi Kazuhiro
Animation Production: Studio DEEN
Key Animation: Saitoo Tetsuhito, Matsumoto Norio, Suzuki Hirofumi, Tanaka Yuuichi (3), Yamada Makoto (3), Suzuki Takeyuki (3), Uchida Shinya (3), Hashimoto Yoshimi (3), Ishikawa Yooichi (3), Utsugi Isamu (3), Ojiri Shinya, Hiramatsu Sadafumi, Matsubara Hidenori (3), Furuse Noboru (3), Matsutake Tokuyuki (4), Mizumura Yoshio (4), Murata Toshiharu (4), Watabe Keisuke (4), Yamanaka Eiji (4), Sakai Keishi (4), Masahiko Kubo (4), Yamamoto Takashi (4), Yoshimoto Takuji (4), Inoue Akira (4), Yabushita Shoji (4), Fumie Muroi (4) & Akitoshi Maeda (4)
US Production Staff (Subtitling)
Executive Producer: Robert J. Woodhead
Producers: Janice Hindle & Peter R. Haswell
Production Coordinator: Ueki Natsumi
Translators: Shin Kurokawa & Michael House
Dialogue Editor: Roe R. Adams III, KTJ
Vehicular Research: Kawai Yasushi
Subtitling Director: Michael House
US Production Staff (Dubbing)
Executive Producer: Robert J. Woodhead
Producers: Janice Hindle & Peter R. Haswell
Production Coordinator: Ueki Natsumi
Translators: Shin Kurokawa
Dialogue Editor: Roe R. Adams III, KTJ
Vehicular Research: Kawai Yasushi
Subtitling Director: Robert Woodhead
Coastal Carolina Staff
Voice Director: Scott Houle
Script Supervisor: William Bailey
Audio Engineer: Nick Stuteville
Dialouge Mixer: Ron Abfalter
SFX Designer: Skip Bowerman
M&E Editor: Kevin Turner
Communications: Billie Houle
Duplications: B.J. Toney
Japanese Voice Actors
Tsujimoto Natsumi: Tamagawa Sakiko
Kobayakawa Miyuki: Hiramatsu Akiko
Captain: Masamune Issei
Nakajima Ken: Shimada Bin
Nikaidoo Yoriko: Kozakura Etsuko
Episode 1:
Oshou: Arimoto Kinryu
Additional Voices: Shinno Toshimasa, Takemoto Takeshi & Hirosawa Megumi
Episode 2:
Lancia Man: Matsuyama Takashi
Additional Voices: Konishi Takayuki, Shinno Masatoshi, Hirosawa Megumi, Ebata Hideyuki, Sudoo Yuumi, Nakajima Tomomi, Ootaki Yukihiro, Irino Jiyuu, Ono Yasutaka & Ootaki Junpei
Episode 3:
Kido: Okada Tatsuya
Hiroko: Itou Hiromi
Satomi: Hirosawa Megumi
Fumie: Hase Michie
Minako: Nakamura Chiharu
Additional Voices: Fukumoto Shin'ichi, Fukushima Mariko, Fujii Motonari & Ebata Hidehisa
Episode 4:
Oshou: Arimoto Kinryu
Sakai: Nagashima
Instructor: Matsuyama Takashi
Additional Voices: Ebata Hidehisa, Fujii Motonari, Katsumata Tadashi, Gotoo Kumi, Ootaki Yukihiro, Ootaki Junpei, Irino Jiyuu, Ono Yasutaka, Sudoo Yumi & Takano Akika
English Voice Actors
Tsujimoto Natsumi: Tamara Burnham
Kobayakawa Miyuki: Jo Ann Luzzatto
Captain: Dave Underwood
Nakajima Ken: Mark Matney
Nikaidoo Yoriko: Pamela Weidner
Episode 1:
Oshou (The Fox): Mike Way
Additional Voices: Bob Sayer, Sean P. O'Connell, Irene Slater, Brian Hinnant, Jim Clark, Scott Bailey, Sandy Clubb & Cierra Atakkaan
Episode 2:
Lancia Man: Richard Pennington
The Kids: John Houle, Glenn Gattis, Lisa Gattis & Tommy Cole
Male Announcer: Richard Williams
Female Announcer: Cierra Atakkaan
Additional Voices, Cynthia Firestone, Bob Sayer, Treena Hales, Bob Weidner, Scott Bailey & Jerry Hughes
Episode 3:
Kido: Robin Robertson
Hiroko: Belinda Bizic
Satomi: Amy Anderson
Fumie: Stephanie Griffin
Minako: Lisa Micheals
Additional Voices: Sara Seidman, Dan Riggs, Jean Jones, Sean P. O'Connell, Chuck Denson, Jim Clark, Irene Slater, Michele Seidman, Amiee Flint, Bob Sayer & Tony Schnur
Episode 4:
Oshou: Mike Way
Sakai: Amy Anderson
Instructor: Scott Bailey
Chief of Police: Norm Shore
Toasted Biker: John Jeter
Additional Voices: Robin Robertson, Sean P. O'Connell, Lanelle Markgraf, Chuck Denson & Jim Clark
And starring, as the Junior Thespians:
Yuuta: Johnny Houle
Shou: Justin Young
C-Chan: Chelsea Busch
Maho: Karly Cofec
B-Kun: Kaylan McKay
Opening Theme: 100mph no Yuuki (Courage at 100mph)
Lyrics by Yokoyama Takeshi
Music by Shooji Takashi
Arranged by Yonemitsu Ryoo
Performed by Tamagawa Sakiko and Hiramatsu Akiko
Natsu no hizashi no yoo na
atsui heart o daite
yume o oikakeyoo.
Jisoku 100 mile no yuuki ga areba
kitto tobira wa hiraku hazu.
Kanashimi wa egao ni
tsuzuku michi dakara
kusunda shoes mo kagayakidasu yo.
Sekai de ichiban suteki na yume.
Tokimeku kodoo ga speed o ageru.
Hitomi wa prism kaze o tsukamaete
kazoekirenai nakama no koe ni
shiawase kanjiteru yo.
Minna hitori no yoru o
gomakasu tame ni
tooi hoshi ni hanashikakeru.
Sukoshi atama no naka
karappo ni shite
sotto shizuka ni shinkokyuu.
Sakamichi wa
kurushii nobori dake ja nai.
Toki ni wa yasashiku tasukete kureru.
Sekai de ichiban suteki na yume.
Chiisana tsubasa o shinjite miyoo.
Kagato o naraseba yagate bell no oto
asu ni mukatte arukidasoo yo
joonetsu o dakishimete.
Sekai de ichiban suteki na yume.
Tokimeku kodoo ga speed o ageru.
Hitomi wa prism kaze o tsukamaete
kazoekirenai nakama no koe ni
shiawase kanjiteru yo.
Let's chase our dreams
holding hearts burning
like the summer sunshine.
If we have courage at 100 miles an hour
I'm sure the door will open.
Since sadness is the road
that leads to smiles,
dull, dingy shoes will start to shine too.
The most wonderful dream in the world.
The pounding beat speeds up.
The eyes are prisms. I catch the wind
and in the voices of countless friends
I feel happiness.
To fool themselves
on lonely nights, everyone
talks to faraway stars.
They make the insides
of their heads a little bit empty
and softly, silently, take a deep breath
Sloping roads
aren't simply hard climbing.
Sometimes they gently save us.
The most wonderful dream in the world.
Let's believe in our small wings.
If we make our heels pound they'll soon
become the sound of bells.
Let's walk off toward tomorrow
embracing our passion.
The most wonderful dream in the world.
The pounding beat speeds up.
The eyes are prisms. I catch the wind
and in the voices of countless friends
I feel happiness.
Arittake no Joonetsu de (With All the Passion I Have)
Lyrics by Mana Anju
Music by Shooji Takeshi
Arranged by Yonemitsu Ryoo
Performed by Tamagawa Sakiko and Hiramatsu Akiko
Itsumo no egao ga suki yo
arittake no joonetsu de
kimi o tameiki kara kitto mamotte ageru.
Yuugure no machinami ga
side-mirror nagareru.
Yume shinjinagara
mainichi hashitta michi.
Ame no hi mo kaze no hi mo
nagedashitakunatta hi mo
soba ni ite kimi wa hohoende kureta yo ne.
Itsumo no keshiki ga suki yo
kimi to miteru ano sora ga.
Dakara jishin motte
kimi ni dattara dekiru.
Itsumo no egao ga suki yo
arittake no joonetsu de
kimi o tameiki kara kitto mamotte ageru.
Omoide wa tsuzureori.
Hentetsu mo nai kedo
moshi nusumaretara
mirai no hate made yuku.
Massugu na akogare de
hitogomi koete yukoo.
Kao o miteiru to
umaku ienai keredo...
Itsumo no futari ga suki yo
meguri aeta kono machi ga.
Dakara ashita koko de
motto suteki ni nareru.
Itsumo no egao ga suki yo
arittake no joonetsu de
kimi o kanashimi kara kitto mamotte miseru.
Itsumo no keshiki ga suki yo
kimi to miteru ano sora ga.
Dakara jishin motte
kimi ni dattara dekiru.
Itsumo no egao ga suki yo
arittake no joonetsu de
kimi o tameiki kara kitto mamotte ageru.
Itsumo no futari ga suki yo
meguri aeta kono machi ga.
Dakara ashita koko de
motto suteki ni nareru.
Itsumo no egao ga suki yo
arittake no joonetsu de
kimi o kanashimi kara kitto mamotte miseru.
I love the smile you always have.
With all the passion I have,
I will protect you from sighs
The sunset skyline flashes past
in my side-view mirror.
This is the road I drive on every day,
believing in my dreams.
On rainy days, windy days,
and days when I wanted to throw it all away,
you smiled as you sat beside me.
I love the unchanging vista,
the sky that we watch together.
That's why I'm confident that I can
hang in there, if it's for you.
I love the smile you always have.
With all the passion I have,
I will protect you from sighs.
Memory is a tattered fabric.
It's a commonplace thing,
but if it were stolen,
it'd go to the ends of the future.
Let's rise above the crowds
with sincere desires.
When I see your face,
I can't say it very well, but...
I love the unchanging couple we are,
and this town where we happened to meet.
That's why I can become
even more terrific here tomorrow.
I love the smile you always have.
With all the passion I have
I guarantee I'll protect you from sadness.
I love the unchanging vista,
the sky that we watch together.
That's why I'm confident that I can
hang in there, if it's for you.
I love the smile you always have.
With all the passion I have,
I will protect you from sighs.
I love the unchanging couple we are,
and this town where we happened to meet.
That's why I can become
even more terrific here tomorrow.
I love the smile you always have.
With all the passion I have
I guarantee I'll protect you from sadness.